(*) Mandatory, wajib diisi
If you have registered yourself to visit one of Krista Exhibitions’ events, please fill your registered email below
Email (*)
Please upload your photo/Mohon upload foto anda
Name / Nama (*)
Address / Alamat (*)
Company / Perusahaan (*)
Email (*)
Password (*)
This password will be used to login to Krista Exhibitions Android / iOS App
Re-type Password (*)
please re-type your password same as above
Mobile Number & Whatsapp Number / No Wa (*)
Phone Number / No Telepon (*)
eg: 02116613668
What is Your Main Business Activity / Jenis Industri Bisnis Anda
Your Industry Sector? (*)
Your Job Function / Jabatan (*)
Purpose of Visit / Tujuan (*)
Number of Employee / Jumlah Karyawan
What product are you looking for in this exhibition? / Produk apakah yang anda cari di pameran ini? (*)
Are you interested to join Business Matching? / Apakah anda tertarik untuk mengikuti Business Matching? (*)

How Did You Find Out About This Event? (*)


1. One BADGE is valid for One Visitor only
2. General public and minors below the age of 17 are prohibited to enter
3. Those in shorts and slippers will not be allowed into the exhibition hall
4. Smoking is prohibited in the exhibition hall
5. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry into exhibition halls without being required to give reason


Captcha (*)

* If you click REGISTER button but it seems not responding, please scroll up and make sure you have filled in all mandatory fields (see asterisk *), then click REGISTER button again.
* Jika Anda telah klik tombol REGISTER tetapi sepertinya tidak ada respon, mohon dapat dicek kembali untuk Anda mengisi setiap pertanyaan yang wajib diisi (lihat tanda bintang *), baru kemudian klik tombol REGISTER.